We are your friends: How the App MUT helps families in crisis - PART I

Show notes

Some main features of the app are:

🧠 A huge knowledge database that helps families understand their situation better, and helps to break the taboo of thematizing Illness and death.

⛑ 24/7 Mental Support via Text and Voice Chat.

🎒 A Kid's Zone, that helps kids understand the situation in age appropriate language.

🌍 A network of professionals around their location.

🌈 Don't forget, this project is mainly funded by donations. If you'd like to support the incredible work of AKM, follow the link provided. Tune in now for all the details on MUT and how it's helping families in crisis.

⭐️ DONATE HERE: https://www.kinderhospiz-muenchen.de/spenden/

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