The Dev, The Stack, And The Framework

Show notes

With this fundamental decision, you either take the freedom to go with your custom solutions, along with the related obstacles. Or you take the chance to adopt smart defaults that allow you to move swiftly, while hiding a variety of resolutions and putting you on a prescriptive path.

Choosing whether to utilize an opinionated framework (such as Angular) or unopinionated library (such as React) will have far-reaching consequences - both in terms of delivering the product to market on time, and in the long run, for maintenance and scalability.

In this episode, Thomas May, Senior Software Engineer, along with Thomas Limp, Lead Software Architect, debate the pros and cons of taking those decisions.

Watch the full episode to learn why Thomas and Thomas have a hard time to agree on one school of thought and what factors you need to consider when choosing for a suitable tech stack:

  • What is Opinionated and Unopinionated Development?
  • What are the pros and cons of each framework?
  • Why there is no framework that is truly unopinionated, according to Thomas Limp?
  • How do we at DPM decide on a suitable tech stack for our clients? And factors to consider when deciding on one framework or the other.

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